Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

(We’re putting dates in the title because our computer still thinks we are in the states)

We are getting into NZ life. Kenn loves the fact that he walks to work in about 90 seconds. Both of us still need to consciously think about which way to look when crossing the road (they drive on the left here). Lynda “did the bus” by herself today and found some neat shops. We thought we’d give you a view of our little modest abode. Click here to see pictures and descriptions http://www.flickr.com/photos/33530324@N07/ (if that goes to FSU, then copy and paste the address into your url window ). Oh, and today was the ultimate stupid American incident. Kenn was at work; all other department faculty were at a retreat. Kenn went into the main office, not realizing that there was an alarm. Yeah, he not only set off the alarm, you could hear it about 5 blocks away! The security had to come turn it off. To add insult to injury, he had to ask for clarification from the officer about 4 times because he couldn’t understand what he was saying! Ending on a positive note: We found caffeine free Diet Coke (though it tastes different than US Diet Coke).

Cheers! (That’s what they say here when you leave)

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAAA! What is up with that tiny fridge? I'm so glad you guys put up pics of your place, I like visualizing where you are. PS: I'm glad you found your CFDC Dadd! Miss you both oooooodles!!!!
