Sunday, February 15, 2009

First Full Day in NZ

We don’t want to overwhelm you with oodles of writing, so here are highlights:

Dumb American Incidences: Ok, we were here for MAYBE 24 hours, and Kenn already burned out our Sonic Care toothbrush holder. Hint: Read the “converter” that says it ISNT a converter! Second experience: the newspaper in the driveway leading to the duplex is NOT your newspaper!
Interesting Cultural Experiences: People walk around stores in their bare feet! They also diminutize (is that a word?) words. For example, sunglasses are called “sunnies”.
Interesting Language Points: Today we went to the bank and opened a “cheeking” account. Also, Kenn met the administrative assistant at the department, and she asked him if he was in contact with Greag. Kenn wondered at first if that was like poison ivy until he realized that was “Greg.”
Disappointing Experience: They don’t sell caffeine-free Diet Coke. Kenn is NOT happy!
Other: We rearranged the furniture in the duplex (in essence, switched the living room area with the dining area) and added a few personal touches and it looks MUCH better. Also, we thought the downtown, central area of Christchurch was not that far of a walk. WRONG! Took us 1 ¼ hours to walk. We now are proud owners of Metro cards for the bus!


  1. Hi! Welcome to New Zealand. This is GREAT! thanks for keeping us up to date.

  2. oh they have vegimite sandwiches there?

  3. Great beginning. Looking forward to more pictures and stories. Most places around the world have a "black market". Maybe they sell caffeine free diet coke - at a mark up of course.
