Monday, February 23, 2009

Kenn's First Day of Class

Today (Tuesday) was my first day to lecture. Good news: they didn't throw food at me. And, I only had to ask students to repeat what they said a few times (I am SO into Kiwi talk now!). Interesting class anecdotes: 1) Students call their professors by their first names. 2) The student group here (still not sure EXACTLY what the name is - I stopped asking them to repeat after two times) will be having a speed dating event. I thought that was hysterical and so appropriate for this women-laden field we are in.

Weird side comment: Today for lunch (I eat at "home") I had tomato and basil tuna. Comes in a can like regular tuna, but it is ready to go (i.e., it is tuna mixed with tomato and basil, so it is red and kind of, well, watery.) Actually pretty good.


  1. so there must be at least more guys in the field there if they are able to do speed dating then huh?

  2. The guys will not be from within the department. They are still trying to figure out where they will get them.
